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 Candidate Verinda

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2024-05-13

Candidate Verinda  Empty
PostSubject: Candidate Verinda    Candidate Verinda  I_icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2024 11:46 am



Candidate Verinda  OMnY40f

"If you’re sad, add more lipstick."-Coco Chanel


NAME: Verinda
GENDER: female
ORIENTATION: Demisexual panromantic

AGE: 20

Candidate Verinda  Qge5A3P


FACE CLAIM: Nicola Coughlan
FULL APPEARANCE: Verinda was always told her beauty is her greatest asset, and she puts care into her appearance. Her long blonde hair is always perfectly groomed, and her clothes neat and tidy. She likes to dress up when she can, and wear makeup, although it is sometimes impractical in the Weyr. She hoards her fine things that she does have. She has bright blue-grey eyes and a round face, with a cheerful smile. She is on the plump side with a full figure, although not out of shape with all the work she had to do at the Hold. She is rather short, only five feet tall.


PERSONALITY TRAITS: Ladylike, bubbly, cautious, caring, vain, gullible
FULL PERSONALITY: Verinda is a bubbly young lady who loves socializing and meeting new people. Definitely an extrovert, she gets energized by being around people. Always going to a party or planning something, she makes friends quickly and keeps them no matter what. She can be somewhat gullible, doing whatever her friends tell her, although she doesn’t like to get in trouble. She doesn’t like to rock the boat and does what’s asked of her without question.

Verinda is a girly girl, she adores dressing up and sparkly things, even though they may be few and far between in the present environment. She always thought she would be a wife and mother and is now envisioning something different if she Impresses. She likes to take care of everyone, that hasn’t changed. A compassionate person, she often puts others before herself. She is conflict averse and hates making anyone upset. She may not be the most book-smart but she is good at taking care of people. She has a talent for cooking as well, and often gifts her friends with sweet treats.


Mother- Bellin, Cook at Southern Hold
Stepfather- Radan, Smithcrafter at Southern Hold
Stepsisters- Berana (16), Delany (14)
Stepbrother- Rillan (12)
BIRTHPLACE: Southern Hold
FULL BACKSTORY: Verinda's mother was born in a conservative Hold in Fort territory. She was raised to be a wife and mother. She married young, to a wealthy trader. Soon enough she was pregnant with her first child.
Not long after, Fort Weyr fell. Her husband wanted to remain with his riches in the Hold and refused to leave. Doing the first disobedient thing in her life, Bellin fled and found a rider to take her south to the new Hold. Verinda was born in Southern Hold.

Despite the difficult circumstances, Bellin was determined to make a life for herself. She put her homemaking skills to use in the new Hold, helping to care for residents and cook for them. She raised her daughter as best she could, telling her stories of the life she hoped to have one day.

As a child Verinda wasn’t aware of anything being wrong with her world. She was born in Southern Hold and didn’t think of anything different. Her mother raised her strictly, and she was a well behaved child, outgoing and made many friends. She loved to help her mother in the kitchen as soon as she was old enough to pick up a utensil.

A few years after getting established in the Hold, Bellin wed a Smithcrafter who had also settled at Southern. She started building their family. Verinda loved her baby siblings and helped taking care of them.

Verinda enjoyed working around the Hold but struggled with her lessons, especially with numbers. Her mother always told her beauty was her greatest gift and not to worry about being smart. As a child Verinda gained a reputation for having her head in the clouds.

She secretly felt a little left out of her mother’s new family as she aged, and she looked for connections outside of it, making friends around the Hold. She was a social butterfly and also extremely prone to peer pressure, always wanting to fit in, which could get her in trouble. However, she was mostly a rule follower and not a rebel.

And she was a mama’s girl, always wanting to make Belllin proud. Her mother told her one day she would marry, start a family, and hopefully move back North to reinstate their old traditions. Bellin wanted that more than anything but none of the young men, or women, in the Hold caught her attention. She focused on her work instead, becoming a cook and baker herself.

She never planned on getting Searched. One day a Search dragon came and Bellin served the rider lunch. The dragon noticed her and asked if she would be a candidate. She had never thought about it, but now she had a new dream. And what better way to uphold tradition than being a dragonrider? So she agreed to go…it was the first time she argued with her mother, but stood her ground to become a candidate.

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